
Thursday 31 October 2019


Yesterday in the Tumu hub we are going on a trip to ferry-meed. We are going to look at what the people in the olden days did and what they wear.

 We hopped out of the bus and went to listen to what we supposed were  to  do.  First we got dressed in some olden day outfits. The girls ware dresses and funny hats and the boys ware a long sleeve shirt knickerbockers' and a old cap.

 After we got dressed we went to the old school. Our teacher was called Mr Black. (his real name was not that but it is what he was for now).

We used ink and a special pen and wrote a Apple a day keeps the doctor again. Then we could go out of class and play. The next thing we did was just explore some of the stuff we saw a jail and lots more... We also went to the olden day movies theaters that was cool. We went to watch a movie about the olden days and how it was back then.  We also ate a kiwiana breakfast. There was mini sausages fruit pineapple lumps biscuits crackers and dip and lots more cool food.  We went on the tram to I sat on the outside near the edge that was a biscuit We had so much fun on the 29th here are some photos!!!

have you been to ferry meed before?????????

Thursday 17 October 2019


In the Tumu hub this term for our PBL we are learning about New Zealand History.

Here are 10 facts about world war 1

1. It was a global war

2. It is far better to face the bullet then get killed by a bomb in your home.

3.  It was a war of production

4. It was a war of innovation

5.It was a war of destruction

6. World war 1 began on July 28 1014

7. World war 1 has many different names

8.  There were 2 sides in the war

9. Over 8 million solders died and another 21 million were injured. war 1 ended on June 28 1919

I hope you liked my 10 facts about world war 1

  Do you like learning about world war 1? 

Monday 14 October 2019

A fresh new term!!!

Today was my first day back at school. Term 4 now, gosh time fly bye!  Anyways I will tell you what I will be doing today for my first term back at school.

Today we did gospel hears

a picture of what gospel i did today!

Then we where learning about the olden days when teachers where VERY STRICT.
When they had canes and belts to wack you with!
Tumu hub had now experienced what it is like today we had to go in our school hall and do exactly what they did back in when they where VERY STRICT. (but our teachers did not use the cane or belt ) we had to sit in rows and be in a perfectly strait row. They said to right all our 3 times tables and if one of us did not get it right back in the olden days they would get a cane or a wack with the belt. Also if someone talked or laughed then they would probably get the cane or belt. But we had to rather do a lap or star jumps. I never got to run a lap or star jumps so that's good. Also if you did not write with right then you would get the cane or belt. Also when we where lining up our teacher would say start line. I think if you did not then maybe just maybe everyone will get the cane I think. Now I know that we are lucking we do not go trough that now.

Later on in the day we learnt about  world war 2. Here are some cool facts that I got told about today.
1. World war 1 began on  July 28 1914 war 1 has many different names is a war of destruction

It was crazy first day back at school today!

What did you do on your first day back or learn?

driving into Jesus life

In the tumu hub we do gospel every Monday. Gospel is when you learn about Jesus and God in the old testament and in the new testament. Every Monday we do a different gospel story.  there are 3 boxes in my gospel and everybody elses. the first one is the date and the reference a reference is when you right what story it is like heres one I made up. John 7:9-10 like that. The 2nd box is where we right the story. The 3rd box is for what it means in your life. Here is my gospel of what I did today.

                                                               Do you do gospel or want to?

Learning Looking listening!!!

Hi and welcome back on Monday we went to the museum with my hub. 

First we looked all the birds of new Zealand. There little ones to very very large birds. One was even bigger than me!!!   My group well the people in my group were Alexis ,Ethan  Lucas , Jack Jimi,Archie , Charlie and Gabrielle. We also saw Dinosaurs Mummy room  Asian arts ' the Antarctic place and the olden day halls. The green stone room.  The Maori room and lots more.  

After that we went to go to the Maori place a man talked about some Maori things and Maori story's. After that we got to something really cool. We got use what the Maori people used like 500 years ago probably.  It was so much there we had 6 things to do in the room.  I will tell you all of first we did drawig now this is not the drawing that we do it was the drawing Maori did they where really good at drawing here is a picture I will give you a list of what we did.

 Drawings that the kids did back then


A fire starter

and lots more!

Have you ever been to the museum with your school?

Or learnt stuff at the museum that you did not know about but now you do?