
Monday 14 October 2019

Learning Looking listening!!!

Hi and welcome back on Monday we went to the museum with my hub. 

First we looked all the birds of new Zealand. There little ones to very very large birds. One was even bigger than me!!!   My group well the people in my group were Alexis ,Ethan  Lucas , Jack Jimi,Archie , Charlie and Gabrielle. We also saw Dinosaurs Mummy room  Asian arts ' the Antarctic place and the olden day halls. The green stone room.  The Maori room and lots more.  

After that we went to go to the Maori place a man talked about some Maori things and Maori story's. After that we got to something really cool. We got use what the Maori people used like 500 years ago probably.  It was so much there we had 6 things to do in the room.  I will tell you all of first we did drawig now this is not the drawing that we do it was the drawing Maori did they where really good at drawing here is a picture I will give you a list of what we did.

 Drawings that the kids did back then


A fire starter

and lots more!

Have you ever been to the museum with your school?

Or learnt stuff at the museum that you did not know about but now you do?

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