
Monday 14 October 2019

A fresh new term!!!

Today was my first day back at school. Term 4 now, gosh time fly bye!  Anyways I will tell you what I will be doing today for my first term back at school.

Today we did gospel hears

a picture of what gospel i did today!

Then we where learning about the olden days when teachers where VERY STRICT.
When they had canes and belts to wack you with!
Tumu hub had now experienced what it is like today we had to go in our school hall and do exactly what they did back in when they where VERY STRICT. (but our teachers did not use the cane or belt ) we had to sit in rows and be in a perfectly strait row. They said to right all our 3 times tables and if one of us did not get it right back in the olden days they would get a cane or a wack with the belt. Also if someone talked or laughed then they would probably get the cane or belt. But we had to rather do a lap or star jumps. I never got to run a lap or star jumps so that's good. Also if you did not write with right then you would get the cane or belt. Also when we where lining up our teacher would say start line. I think if you did not then maybe just maybe everyone will get the cane I think. Now I know that we are lucking we do not go trough that now.

Later on in the day we learnt about  world war 2. Here are some cool facts that I got told about today.
1. World war 1 began on  July 28 1914 war 1 has many different names is a war of destruction

It was crazy first day back at school today!

What did you do on your first day back or learn?

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