
Monday 24 June 2019


This term in reading I have been reading about this article called Renewable Energy. We read about it because for our  PBL we are looking at how we can help our environment. 

Here are the 5 energy sources that are good for the environment. I summarised the article to help understand what I was reading

1. Solar - Light energy form the sun can be used to heat water and make electricity. It is collected by solar panels. 

2. Hydroelectric energy -  Hydroelectric energy uses the power of moving water. Dams are built to direct river water so that it drives electricity making machinery.

3. Geothermal - Rocks and water deep underground are hot geothermal. This heat can be used to create electricity.

4. Wind - Wind power is collected using wind turbines. The wind turns their blades setting off machinery that changes the energy into electricity.

5. Biomass - Plants can be used as fuels corps leftover food wood and waste can be burned to make energy. 

Do you know how you could make energy or use less energy?

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