
Thursday 25 March 2021

Whats the News today?

 Welcome back to my blog

This week and last week for writing I had to make a Newspaper.  I chose to decide to do Pas if you dont know what a Pa is then read my artcle to find out what it is. 

First we had to gather infomation about what we were going to write about. Then we had to write everything that we got for the artcles or infomation we read and writie into our own words. We could also put pictures since this was a newspaper and most newspapers have photos for an even better understanding. 

What do you think you would write about if you had to write something for a newspaper?

investigation on math!

 Welcome back to my blog!

This week we are doing a statistical investigation on Te reo Speakers in NZ by age and I also did another investigation on in the last 5 years how much has the birds population increased in canterbury? Here is what I found out!

How many birds have increased in your country?

Thursday 18 March 2021

Reascue mission!

Welcome back to my blog!

This week for math we did coordinates. Coordinates help you with maps. It looks like an L and has numbers on each part of the L. This week we did a map and found out how many metres / cm and more. 

I got 63 km. starting from Kaiapoi Pa and then I went to christchruch central city and then to Onawe Pa walk that all togeather lead me to 63 km.

Friday 12 March 2021

Want to buy a house then you have come to the right place!

                                    Welcome back to my blog!

This week I have designed a Pa which is a house for many and it was used by the maori back in the day and they had big walls and a Pa was to protect them and there land. Here is my site for my Pa that I have created!

Sadly I had to do a link because I could not get it to work any other way pls look at my work its super cool!

I hope you enjoyed me sharing my learning with you!

If you were to make a Pa what would you put in yours?!?!?!?

Friday 5 March 2021

Wacky Wellington THE CAPITAL

 Welcome back to my blog

Its finally 2021 and where back at school. So today I am showing my writing for this week.

Here it is!!!!!

Whats your opinion on Wellington being the capitol of New Zealand?