
Thursday 25 June 2020

A Nice narritive

               Welcome back to my blog!

3 weeks ago I had to do a narrtive plan I was a bit late in doing it but I am up to date now!

What would you do in your narrative?

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Magic Math!

         Welcome back to another blog post!

This week for maths we are doing shapes and had to follow a doc and try make these differnt shapes.

What shapes do you think you can make?

Tuesday 23 June 2020

All the way to the milkyway math!

       Welcome back to another blog post!

Last week for maths we did some place value and reversablity using times tables!
Our teacher said we have to make it look cool and fun!

What qeustion would you like to try? have you done this kind of math before????

THE Dream snatcher or The Phoenix?

       Welcome back to another blog post!

This week for reading we had to visualise and listen to a text and then draw what we thought it was
here are my 2 google drawings

What would you be thinking if you choose these 2 texts?????

A Little bit of a Late blog post!

    Welcome back to another blog post!

 This blog post was meant to be on week 8 but I did not have enough time so here is my reading blog 
for week 8 

On week 8 we had to read 3 books I read a series of books called Puppy cat! so basicly 1 book we had to do 3 tasks. Here are mine! for my first one I had to do a book review! for my secound one I had to create a new front backround for the story!
For my next one I had discribe about this animal in a book called puppy cat!

What one of these would you choose the book reveiw a Book cover or a docoment on the animal in the story and facts about them??????

Thursday 18 June 2020


             Welcome back to my blog!

This week for reading we are identify some text events and features , and discuss what they can make the reader think about (that is also our goal) So we read a book called thirst it was about a family who did not have enough water so the boy called Ryder saw that a another family with lots of water had a big tank and that the lock was not on so he grabbed a hose and got some water there parents were very angry. 

If you read this book what would you think about it?

Wednesday 17 June 2020


        Welcome back to another blog post!

This week for writng we had to get some of the writing we did for our principal or something else and find like similes and Allitertaition and sences and many more of them.  

Do ever do Alliterations in your writng or storys??????

Thursday 11 June 2020

Are Zoos beneficial for animals?

        Welcome back to another blog post

This week we had to choose a topic of what we were going to complataint about we had 3 choices I chose Are Zoos beneficail for animals? I think that Zoos are mostly good!

What do you think? should animals be in Zoo's or not?

Do know what I am Visualising right now?

                  Welcome back to a new blog post!

This week for reading I had to read a harry potter book. Then I had to picture in my mind what the book made me thing of. I also had to do 5 stems but I did 3. Te five stems are See , hear , touch , taste and smell. 

What would you think of if you were reaading Harry Potter?????

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Making the Maths

                    Welcome back to another blog post!

This week for maths we are doing rounding and compensating with whole numbers. It was really fun doing this. 

What qeustion do you like the best that I did?

Friday 5 June 2020

Amazing math

                 Welcome back to another blog post! 

This week I had to choose what level that wanted to do for maths. I chose place value this week it is time tables . this week ,. I thought it would hard but it's qeuite fun!

What did you do for math this week? Did you do the same as me? Place Value?