
Wednesday 1 April 2020


Hello and welcome back to my blog!

Now you probably know what I am going to talk about in this blog because of the title and there really is only a couple things that you can talk about because no one is actually doing stuff because most people are just bored in lock down or doing school or going on walks with family..

If you have no clue what so ever what I am talking about then I guess I will have to tell you. 

In my country there has been a lock down because of a virus that is spreading around the world you may have heard it on the news a couple of times or whenever you watch the news it always comes on every time you are watching... 

So I am going to tell you guys what I have been doing in lock down for this past week...

My Mum has been at work because she is an essential worker and my dad is at home doing lots of work but He has also made up a school that we do at home everyday accept for the weekends of course. It's  called Nelson School because Nelson is my last name which you can probably see on my blogger page.  

anyways I have just been playing outside going on walks with my family and doing lots more fun stuff and listening to church online.

what are you doing in lock down right now????



  1. Hey Zoe,

    It's great to see that you are blogging! Lockdown has changed our daily routine quite a bit hasn't it?
    It's great that technology has made us able to still participate in Church.
    I like how you laid out your blog it was easy to follow and the colours made it a bit more interesting. Next time add in an image to your blog, maybe it's something you have created, baked or a game you've been playing?

    I have been catching up on sleep, watching movies and creating some art. I look forward to reading your next blog!

    Miss Parker :)

  2. Hi my name is Chydale I'm doing a school at home too but no my mum is not taking any risks and we are not going on walks.
    the rainbow colors were a little bright but on the bright side that was very colorful. Chydale

  3. Hi Zoe
    What a great blog! A Nelson school sounds like lots of fun! I have been doing lots of dancing to keep me busy and going on walks with my mum. That's great you are still watching church.

    1. Thank you for commenting on my blog Beth. Its cool that you have been practising your dance too and going on walks with your mum all that stuff sounds great and sounds like you have had a good time in quarantine


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