
Thursday 29 August 2019

My Splendid S.U.W

In the tumu hub we do SUW  in the afternoon. You may be asking what is SUW well SUW stands for silent uninterrupted writing. This is where we do all of our writing or at lest most of it. Here is one of my writings from SUW.

                                            The Black hole
           It was a nice sunny day. Alexis and Zoe were going to go to the forest.
So they walked to the forest. 
Once they got there they went  to go and explore the forest.
Why you may ask is because they had Never  ever been to this Forest.
As they explored the forest they sore a giant bush. So they both decided to go and have a look.
Alexis said that she would go first.
So she did but as soon as she went into she had disappeared.
ALEXIS ALEXIS Zoe said but there was no answer. So she decided to go in
the bush as well she didn't see anyone at all 
But then Zoe fell in. Was it a black hole or something else.

A few Minutes later Zoe found Herself in this weird looking house.
Then she saw Alexis! Zoe rushed  over to Alexis and asked if she knew where we were.
Alexis said that she didn't know. Alexis said that it was time to go to bed.
So we Laid down on the 2 beds that were in the weird house.
Zoe feeling very scared said to Alexis how do we get out of here.
How long will we be here for???
I don’t know sorry Zoe lets just try to go to sleep and figure it out in the morning.
Ok said Zoe.

It was 12:30 in the weird looking house were Zoe and Alexis were Sleeping.
But then all of a Sudden she heard a big creepy house. WHaat was that said Alexis
felling shiver up her spine. I don’t know said Zoe she was very scared now. Zoe came
into Alexis bed and said what should we do should we check it out??? OOOk Said Alexis.
Alexis and Zoe went out of the Old beds. There hands were shaking like an earth Quake.
Should we open the door said Zoe felling as shocked as ever. I’ll open it said Alexis.
She gently opened the door creek went the door.
Lets go outside said Alexis OK Said Zoe she was shaking everywhere all over her body.
They went out side it was very windy it felt like a tornado and it was really really dark
like a bat cave. But still they walked very slowly. Then as they were walking they came
upon a house. Should we go in asked Zoe I’m not sure what if that person will try to KILL us.
Well what if they will try to help us said Zoe. True said Alexis Alright let's go in. they
opened the door but then suddenly a green light shone in the house. Are you sure we should
go in asked Alexis 
Yes we should we will have to be very very careful to not get court. So they went into the house.
It didn't look as scary inside now. Hey Alexis look there is cookies.Yum lets get some because
we have no food to eat. OK said Zoe. So they grabbed the cookies but then Alexis really
needed a glass of water. So she said  to Zoe you stay here and I'll get the water.
She got a cup and went to turn the tap on but then they heard footsteps coming in Alexis
quickly turned the tap off and rushed in under the table. The footsteps were getting louder.
And then they stopped. They were right next to them. It was a man he was getting a cup of
water so he got a cup and went back to bed. This was Zoe and Alexis chance to run out so
they tip toed out the door. We made it yay. Hey look it looks like portal or something lets go
and see what it is OK. This time they went together.

Hey were back in the forest!!!!! Said Alexis Yay said Zoe that was such a Creepy night right I agree let's never go to that forest AGAIN.

Do you do SUW in school????

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