
Friday 31 August 2018

A bit of laugh

Hi everyone in my reading group i have been reading about Edmond Hillary we have been finding out how to create questions
Here is five questions about Edmond Hillary. I enjoyed this book because it had information about Edmund Hillary 

Thursday 30 August 2018

Maths Slides

Last week, me and my friend -Hee created a Maths slide about subtracting in parts. Here is the slide show.

Here are some questions for you to answer:
1. 124-16=?
2. 25+61=?
Please write your answer in the comments.

Monday 6 August 2018

PBL fun day out

on Wednesday the 9 of may 2018 we were having a day of fun 1st we '
went ' to do some Drawing we did a big picture of St Francis
it was like a puzzle. And we colored 2 pictures of St Francis then we put the puzzle together ' after that it was morning tea so we went to play on the playground ' after morning tea was finished we ate food ' then 15 mins later we went to clip ' and climb i climbed lots of walls it was so much fun.  

My Culture

Hi my name is Zoe I am from Christchurch. I live with my mum and dad, sister and brother. We are all from Christchurch, even my Nanny and Grandad and Great Nana and all the rest of my extended family apart from my late Great Grandad who came from Westport and my Great Great Grandma who came from Latvia which is in Europe. I support the Crusaders  because I am a Cantabrian. I have been to Wellington which is in the North Island but not been out of New Zealand. I am a Christian and go to Arise Church. I go to St Francis of Assisi School, I have lots of friends and my favourite thing to do is cuddle my rabbit and read books, make cards, and spend time with my family.

Sunday 5 August 2018

SPORT RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Winter sports!
Every Thursday we do winter sports There is rugby hokey and Netball I do Netball It is so fun i am in the D team We usally lose but we play really well and win some times too. I have lots of fun with my friends In netball team.Maybe you could try it too.