
Wednesday 8 September 2021

Recipe to what!!!!!!!!!

 Welcome back to my blog :)

This week for reading we had to follow instructions for our create task!

We got chose many differnt opotions but we had to follow them step by step

I chose to do a baking one since I love to bake

I made scones and followed the recipe of what I needed and how much because if you did not follow the rules than something could go wrong!

Here are my scones I made!

I have not put anything on them yet as they have just come out of the oven!
I really enjoyed doing this!

Have you ever made scones?

Tuesday 7 September 2021

The world of math!

 Welcome back to my blog :)

This week for math we are doing decimals I created a google slide 

I did a how to poster on decimals and I also showed my answers for my qeustions I got given

We had to answer the qeustion with the numbers from smallest to largest!

Here is my work!


Do you know what decimals are??

Have you read the instructions!!!!???

 Welcome back to my blog :)

This week for writing we have been focusing on when it is good to read all the details and when its okay to skim read

If you dont know what skim reading is

Then I will tell you! Skim reading is quick reading and just having a small look and not ready the whole entire text but just the main parts you need to know about!

We also have been focusing on istructions and what makes good instructions 

For  our create task we had to do step by step of something of our choice

I choose how to make a home made bookmark step by step!

Do you think my insturtions were clear enough??