
Thursday 24 June 2021

What would u choose?

 Welcome back!

This week for reading we choose 3 texts and had to explain what they were 
We had to choose from 3 differnt catagorys I choose Sports , Odd stuff and national
I got all the texts from Kiwi kids news

The first text I read was the sport one 
the title was: 
Virtual reality headsets trialed to test rugby concussions

This article was about rugby people
They are doing a test to see the player eye movements this will help the coaches see that the head injury is more accurate (like to see if they have a concussion and how they got it) 

The next article is called:
Wellington moves to level 2 
Which is the catagory national
It is about how they have moved to level 2. If you dont what im talking about thats a suprise but its to do with covid 19 and they are going into level 2 now from June 23rd to june the 27th thats 4 days!

The very last article now!
The catagory was Odd stuff!
and the title was...
Rainbows end roller coaster stops midway!
This story is about how the roller coaster stops in the middle of the ride that would be really scary they had to get out of the roller coaster and probley climb down.

What was the most interesting article to you?
Mine was the rainbows end roller coaster!

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