
Wednesday 7 April 2021

Picking up Patterns!

               Welcome back to my blog

This week for math we are learning about Rotation , Enlargement . Refletion and Traslation. 
What we had to do is make patterns out of Rotation , Enlargement . Refletion and Traslation. 
But we only had to show 3 of the things. So I showed I can do Rotation , Enlargement and Refletion here is my work! We had to make it a maori pattern though so here are my maori patterns!

What type of pattern would you do?

Thursday 1 April 2021

Poems Peoms Poems

              Welcome back to my blog!

This week for writing I had to to write a poem about Ngai Tahu Ngai Tahu is a iwi. Here it is

What do you think about Nga tahu and what would your poem be like?