
Saturday 26 September 2020

Do you know what a good comment is......

 Welcome back to my blog!

a couple of weeks ago we did some cyber smart. Cyyver smart is were you learn how to keep safe on the internet and know what to do if spam or bad things happen on your divice. 

Here is a book I created on good comments and bad comments on a blog post!

what do you know about bad and good comments?

Friday 18 September 2020

Finally finished!!!!

 Welcome back to my blog!

This week we had finished our books for reading. As you know I read the boy in the striped pajamas. We had to do a reading task each week and put them on a google slide. Here is my work!

What reading task did you like the most?

Thursday 10 September 2020

The AMazing math!

 Welcome back to my blog!

This week for math we did timetables and fractions here is my working out

do you like timestables???

Wednesday 9 September 2020


 Welcome back to my blog!

This week for math I am doing an ifografic. An infografic is some small infomation with some pictures.
Here is my work!

Do you have any facts on poverty that I did not put on my infografic????

Why the main idea is ........ ( Look at the blog if you want to find out)

 Welcome back to my blog!

This week for reading we are doing why the main idea is important! I am reading the boy in the striped pajamas here is my DLO

When you read a book what do you think about why the main idea is important?

Monday 7 September 2020

Do you think we can END NO POVERTY............. Yes or no

 Welcome back to my blog!

Last week for writing we did a writing rubric on our speech we had to fill in the boxes of why we did a good job of this sentence or a not so good job. Here is my writing rubric!

If you did a speech what would you chose?

What makes a great math mate!

 Welcome back to my blog!

Last week for math we had to say what we thought a good math mate is here is what I think...

1. Work together
2. Helping each other out 
3. Be kind 

What do you think a good math mate is? 

Wednesday 2 September 2020

The boy in the striped pajamas!

 Welcome back to my blog

This week for reading we are reading our novel's I am reading the boy in the striped pajamas!

Have you read the boy in the striped pajamas?