
Friday 31 July 2020


Welcome back to my blog!

This week on fridays we do Cybersmart. Our task this week was to check comments on this google drawing and see if they were good to post or not good to post!

What comment do you think is the best one?

Thursday 30 July 2020

Fighting for my writing!!!!!!!!!

Welcome back to my blog!

This week for reading we did the Fantastics again and leaarnt about the boomtastics aswell!

What words would go and find???

Weekly Writing!

Welcome back to my blog!

This week for writing I did Hansel and Gretal!

What would you write about Hansel and Gretal??????????????????/

Mathamatic Maths!

Welcome back to my blog!

This week for maths we are focasing on asking qeustions and saying I agreee or disagree we would go up the front and present to the our math class! We had to go in buddys. Mine was Alexis B 

here is my work that I did!

What whys would you do to solve the problem????

Thursday 23 July 2020

Right to reading!

Welcome back to my blog!

This week for my reading I had to do the 9 fantastics. 

and find the sentence's that said what the chartor was feeling or doing or many more!

here's my work!

The nine fantastics are....










Whats your Favourite Fantastic??????

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Welcome to Writing

           Welcome back to my blog!

This week for Writing I had to make the text sound more better and not boring and change it up. Here's an example if you don't get it. So the word would be SAID then we would have make it another word for SAID. So then instead of said we could do Mubble or Replied. 

Anyway here is my work!  we did it on Hansel and gretal

What words would you change up??