
Friday 1 May 2020

Whats it like going back........

This week for my blog post I had tell everyone what it is like to back at school because I had to go back to school because my parents had to go back to work.

School is now differt now. We go in one of the big class rooms all together now because there are not that many people so we have 2 bubbles. Its like the teachers make a big wall out of the toat tarys and into a a big line so the two bubbles have half of the room each. The teachers that are looking after us are Mrs Earl and Miss Bowler.  Its lots of fun at school at first I did not want to go but I now I like it!

heres a photo of what the wall looks like and where I work!

Thanks for watching are going back to school??????


  1. Hi Zoe
    It really nice to hear some feedback from someone that is back at school. I am so glad that you are enjoying it and are having fun. I cant wait to get back myself, I find it really boring at home.


    1. Hi Steve thankyou for commenting It is lots of fun at school and seeing other people other than family I am happy that I am at school with my siblings but I also like it at home too.


  2. Hey Zoe, is it quite back at school? it is nice to hear that you are enjoying it back. Do you still have to go on video chats? and who is back at school with you (students)? I was wondering what life was back at school and now I know. It must be nice to see mss Earl and mss Bowler again. great work and I can't wait to see you back at school again - Lexus.

    1. Thanks I can't wait to see you at too. It is very quite and there are me and my siblings tomaz and Maks panfilo and Adam a boy in year 2 and van another boy in year 2!

      yes I do the same as you do and do a video chat its like home when you do your work and google meets but in the afternoon its fun we can do anything but not youtube unless for drawing!

      - Zoe


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